Today marks the inauguration of the coalition launched by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) at the International Labour Conference (ILC) with the presence of Ram Chandra Poudel, President of the Federal Republic of Nepal and the Labour Minister of Brazil, Luiz Marinho. The mission of the Global Coalition for Social Justice is building on a century of ILO experience to generate political commitment, investment and concrete action. Together, we amplify the scale and impact of initiatives, strengthening processes dedicated to advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

As read in the minutes from the past Oct./Nov. 2022 ILO Board Meeting; The Global Coalition aims to generate greater political commitment and investment and to encourage concrete action for social justice and decent work in support of national priorities. The Coalition will strengthen multilateral cooperation and partnerships and play a key role in advocating and mobilising for the recognition of social justice on the multilateral agenda, in particular at the UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the proposed UN World Social Summit in 2025.

The Coalition will bring together the ILO’s tripartite constituents – governments, workers’ and employers’ organisations – international and regional organisations, including international financial institutions, business, academia and non-governmental organisations committed to supporting the cause of social justice.

By joining the Coalition, partners benefit from increased visibility of the social justice aspects of their mandates. Collaborative efforts allow for greater impact and reach, achieving results otherwise unattainable individually, such as better access to healthcare, quality education, decent work, leading to better job opportunities, better food and better education for workers and their families.

Here you can read the RIPESS statement for the Global Coalition for Social Justice on policy coherence:

Here you can see the RIPESS Intercontinental co-coordinator, Madani Koumaré, greeting this Coalition. You can read subtitles in Spanish and English. Click on the ‘subtitles’ right down, and choose the language on ‘settings’: