North America

North America

North America2023-04-11T15:26:16+02:00
  • INAISE Ripess

Who we are

RIPESS North America connects networks from the United States, Canada and Quebec. There are currently three members representing each country/province: the United States Solidarity Economy Network (US SEN), the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) and the Chantier de l’économie sociale from Québec.

Member countries
Member organizations
Created in

News from North America—

An intercontinental partnership between CECI, RENAPESS, ORFED and Quartiers du monde

At a first meeting, on 19 January 2017, CECI, RENAPESS, ORFED and Quartiers du Monde shared their actions, programs and agendas with the aim of identifying how to collaborate together. By taking advantage of the respective strengths and supporting the ESS from a gender perspective, they will jointly reflect on a common program to formalize a framework of actions to reinforce the annual report regarding the ESS National [...]

Categories: Africa and Middle East, North America, Women & SSE|
Strengthening relationship with INAISE, a new working group on financing for SSE is born

Last December 9, the Leading Group on SSE organised a meeting to set up a working group to prepare documents and position papers, including preparing an international conference, possibly in 2018. Yvon Poirier, Vice-coordinator of Ripess, attended the meeting (held in Paris) by phone. RIPESS will share different documents written in the last years and will continue participation in meetings. [...]

Categories: Europe, News, North America, Social and solidarity finances|
GSEF 2016, Montreal. A Social and Solidarity Economy Forum under the sign of cooperation between local groups and SSE´s actors.

Jason Nardi (RIPESS EU), Laure Jongejans (executive secretary RIPESS INT), Judith Hichman (Urgenci), Tetay RIPESS ASIA, Anna Leighton RIPESS LAC, Yvon Poirier RIPESS NA The World Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy took place at Montreal’s Conference Centre from 7 to 9 September. This third edition, jointly organized by the city of Montreal and the Chantier de l'économie sociale, was [...]

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