North America

North America

North America2023-04-11T15:26:16+02:00
  • INAISE Ripess

Who we are

RIPESS North America connects networks from the United States, Canada and Quebec. There are currently three members representing each country/province: the United States Solidarity Economy Network (US SEN), the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) and the Chantier de l’économie sociale from Québec.

Member countries
Member organizations
Created in

News from North America—

New Report Documents Emerging Solidarity Economy Movement In Massachusetts

A solidarity economy movement is emerging from lower-income communities of color in Massachusetts. This movement aspires to transform capitalism—as we know it—into a world rooted in values of democracy, justice, and sustainability. These dreams arise from those making Black Lives Matter, from immigrant workers making poverty wages, from ex-prisoners locked out of the mainstream economy, from tenants barely able to [...]

Categories: Global Vision on SSE, North America|
The C.I.T.I.E.S Project in preparation

The World Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, GSEF2016, took place in Montreal last September (2016) under the following slogan “Local Governments and actors of the Social Economy. Allied for the development of smart and sustainable cities“. The GSEF concluded with a Declaration, and also with the announcement of the creation of the CITIES project, International Centre for Innovation and knowledge transfer in social and solidarity [...]

Categories: North America, Public policies and legislation|
The Women’s March on Washington and the Coming of Age of Feminism

By Julie Matthaei, Wellesley College. First published on and Revised for RIPESS. For those who believe in equality and solidarity, and faced the outrage of Trump’s presidency, it was heartening to witness the Women’s March on Washington. The March represented a massive mobilization against Trump’s hate-mongering inequality agenda, and an important step forward in the evolution of feminist movement [...]

Categories: North America, Women & SSE|
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