Latin America and the Caribbean – RIPESS LAC

Latin America and the Caribbean – RIPESS LAC

Latin America and the Caribbean – RIPESS LAC2023-04-11T15:32:22+02:00

Who we are

RIPESS LAC is a continental network that brings together various community-based, associative, co-operative and mutual organisations as well as citizens’ movements that work towards the implementation of solidarity economy in Latin America. We contribute the production and sharing of resources and knowledge that creates the basis of an alternative movement to the current capitalist system.

Member countries
Member organizations
Created in

Ripess América Latina y Caribe

Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil

  • GRESP (Grupo Red de Economía Solidaria del Perú)
  • MESSE (Movimiento de Economía Social Solidaria del Ecuador)
  • RET (Red de Economías Territoriales Wallmapu de Chile)
  • MNESC (Mesa Nacional de Economía Solidaria de Colombia)
  • REDESOL (Red de Organizaciones de Economía Solidaria de República Dominicana)
  • Foro Brasileño de Economía Solidaria (FBES)
  • Movimiento de Economía Solidaria y Comercio Justo de Bolivia (MESyCEJB)
  • Red de Economía Social Solidaria (RedESS) de Costa Rica
  • Red Peruana de Comercio Justo y Consumo Ético (RPCJyCE)
  • Centro de Investigación Económica Mundial (CIEM) de Cuba
  • Coordinadora de Economía Solidaria y Comercio Justo (CESCJ) de Uruguay
  • Red Mexicana de Comercio Comunitario (REMECC)
  • Confederación AGROSOLIDARIA de Colombia
  • PECOSOL de Guatemala
  • Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo (INDESCO) Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Red Nacional de Investigadores y Educadores en Cooperativismo y Economía Solidaria (REDCOOP) de México
  • Red Nicaragüense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC)
  • Red ECOSOL México
  • Red Cubana de Economía Social y Solidaria y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (ESORSE)
  • Comunidad Nacional de Circuitos Económicos Solidarios (CONACES)
  • Red Nacional de Investigadores y Educadores en Cooperativismo y Economía Solidaria (REDCOOP) de México
  • Instituto de Cooperativismo de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Red de Economía Social Solidaria del municipio de Mecapaca RESS-Mecapaca
  • Foro de Economías Transformadoras y Alternativas de Colombia FSMET

News from Latin Amercia and the Caribbean—

Mesoamerican And Caribbean Forum On Solidarity-Based Finances, Costa Rica, April 2017

Between April 18th and 19th, the Mesoamerican and Caribbean Forum “Solidarity Finance: an instrument for development” was held in San José, Costa Rica, with the participation of 300 representatives from different sectors of from American and European associations, academia and public institutions. Among the objectives of the forum was to analyze the design of public policy, inclusive economic and financial [...]

The link between the SSE and the Sustainable Development Goals – Latin America

As part of the 2030 Agenda implementation, and taking into account that the basis for achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires to switch the current economic model, RIPESS-LAC highlights the direct link between these objectives and the social and solidarity economy (SSE). The SSE is part of the response that is currently needed and must therefore be more widely recognized and supported. [...]

Campaign for a global curriculum of Social Solidarity economy – Latin America

In Latin and Central America there is a tradition of collective and community-based economies that come from ancient cultures, which RIPESS-LAC and its member organizations have recovered and promoted among others through campaigns, promoting public policies that contribute to development, respond to needs, build capacity and develop a new economy. It is in this sense that RIPESS LAC and one [...]

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