Knowledge management

Knowledge management

Knowledge management2022-12-23T14:15:04+01:00

Building an alternative development model

The challenge we are now facing is not how to build back pre-Covid socioeconomic structures, but rather how to build an alternative model of development, driven by the needs of all peoples and communities around the world, and the protection of our planet.

This is the reason why we must develop and strengthen SSE ecosystems at all levels, building on what already exists.

Intercontinental Webinars—

As part of the project “RIPESS SSE Global Vision 2020“, RIPESS Intercontinental is launching a series of webinars to promote how SSE brings solutions to the global challenges we are facing.


Virtual Side Event for the 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Organized by Diesis Network, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), the Canadian CED Network, and the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social Solidarity Economy. 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals  Added on [...]

Success in the last webinar that Ripess and sister organisations propose on future opportunities and challenges for the Social Solidarity Economy. 

Almost 200 people came together on 23 February to listen and discuss the future challenges for the different actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Civil society, trade unions, small producers and entrepreneurs, cooperatives, ILO and other UN agencies, states, regional bodies and local authorities, following the General Conclusions of the International Labour Conference 2022 and the ILO action plan [...]

Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering

RIPESS LAC concluded its "Latin American meeting" on 25 November with a presentation by the coordinator, Karin Berlien, on 7 December at the Webinar on Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advances and challenges from the Resolution of the 110th International Labour Conference of the ILO.  The webinar (information only available in [...]



In RIPESS we collect tools developed by the different networks and global spaces in which we participate to put them at the service of the Social and Solidarity Economy and its agents.


Virtual Side Event for the 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Organized by Diesis Network, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), the Canadian CED Network, and the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social Solidarity Economy. 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals  Added on [...]

Feminism and Social Solidarity Economy: indisputably inseparable

Today, it is the alliance between capital and heteropatriarchy that creates the majority of oppressions suffered by women around the world. In this sense, reproductive work - carried out mainly by women - which involves the very reproduction of labour and care, is fundamental to the maintenance of the system, even though it is carried out in a subordinate way. [...]

Categories: Education to SSE, Women & SSE, Tools, Women & SSE|Tags: , , |
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