États-Unis – USSEN

États-Unis – USSEN

États-Unis – USSEN2022-10-28T18:12:58+02:00
  • USSEN Ripess

Quiénes somos

The mission of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network is to connect a diverse array of individuals, organizations, businesses and projects in the shared work of building and strengthening regional, national and international movements for a solidarity economy. Through publications, a website, mailing list, and face-to-face gatherings, the network will facilitate: ongoing communication and dialog relating to the development of solidarity economy ideas, values and practices; the sharing of experiences, models and skills; and the creation of collaborative, movement-building projects between network members.

Países miembros
Organizaciones miembros
Año de creación

Estados Unidos de América

  • Cooperation Jackson
  • Massachusetts Solidarity Economy Network
  • Highlander Education and Research Center
  • Island CultureZ
  • Cooperation Humboldt
  • Wellspring Cooperative
  • Agaric Technology Collective
  • Kola Nut Collaborative
  • Participatory Budgeting Project
  • Public Bank Los Angeles
  • California Community Land Trust Network
  • Virginia Solidarity Economy Network
  • New Economy Coalition
  • Cooperative Economics Alliance of New York City
  • May First/People Link
  • US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
  • Worcester SAGE (Solidarity & Green Economy)


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Categories: Actualité sur accueil, Actualités|Tags: , , |
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