

RIPESS accompanies the meeting on Solidarity Economic Circuits of REAS Euskadi and the Comparte Network in Colombia

This country was the arena for the Social Solidarity Economy last October and November. First, and within the framework of the international ECOOVIDA meeting and the COP16 […]

RIPESS LAC at the meeting of the CONTINENTAL ALLIANCE FOR FOOD SOVEREIGNTY and the Civil Society Consultation for the 38th FAO Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean

On the 26th and 27th of February, a representative of RIPESS LAC participated in Santiago de Chile in the “Assembly of the Alliance, the Nyeleni consultation and the […]

RIPESS participates together with GPR2C for Diverse and Inclusive Economies on the Right To The City Day 

Today, 31 October, Right to the City Day, marks the end of the month of ‘Urban October’ for which RIPESS has collaborated closely with the Global Platform for […]

RAESS, moving forward on the Social Solidarity Economy pathway in Cameroon

Last August, a configuration session was held between RESSCAM (ESS Cameroon), member of the African Network of the Social Solidarity Economy (RAESS) and the Municipal Council of the […]

International organizations and policy makers affirm the historic momentum around the Social and Solidarity Economy

A High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) side-event that took place on July 5th discussed the role of the social and solidarity economy […]

Advocacy for public policies on social solidarity economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The neoliberal period openly declared in the 1990s, flows in the face of a reality of globalisation that capitalises on the deterritorialization of productive processes. This has been made possible […]

Facing repression and rights cuts in the world, the SSE stands in solidarity with the people for a fairer, solidarity and sustainable world

Rojiva, Ecuador, Chile and Catalunya are all places that are witnessing the protests of wider social movements. Global SSE movement has expressed its solidarity with the people who are fighting […]

“The WSFTE 2020 aims to create an open space of dialogue and construction between those who practice another economy”

Interview with Jason Nardi, RIPESS Intercontinental Coordinator, about the World Social Forum on Transformative Economies (WSFTE) that starts this week in Barcelona. […]

By |1 April 2019|Global Vision on SSE, News, News on home page, Uncategorized|
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