Women & SSE

Women & SSE

RIPESS intervenes in the UCLG retreat advocating for the SSE as a catalyst in the provision of public services.

On the World Day of Social Justice, RIPESS was invited to take part in the retreat organised by UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) in Barcelona. The executive […]

RIPESS LAC shares the bulletin of activities for the last months of 2024 together with lines of work for 2025.

RIPESS LAC, with the co-coordination representing a diverse CoR (Steering Committee) and working on different lines of work with a new technical secretariat since […]

And for you, what is care? First webinar of the year on care and Social Solidarity Economy

This webinar will be held on 29 January at 15h CET (21h Indonesia, 11h Chile, 9h Canada) and requires pre-registration here.

The gender commission of RIPESS Intercontinental, which […]

RIPESS accompanies the meeting on Solidarity Economic Circuits of REAS Euskadi and the Comparte Network in Colombia

This country was the arena for the Social Solidarity Economy last October and November. First, and within the framework of the international ECOOVIDA meeting and the COP16 […]

Weapons of struggle eliminating violence against women: Social Solidarity Economy initiatives

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, #25N, RIPESS Intercontinental puts the spotlight on violence other than physical, psychological and obstetric violence that makes […]

RIPESS at the COP16 Trade Day on Biodiversity

RIPESS has a leading role in the #TradeDay of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16), which takes place on 26 October 2024 in Cali, Colombia. Our Executive Secretary, […]

RIPESS IN COLOMBIA – Where to find RIPESS LAC and RIPESS Intercontinental during these days?

Everything is ready for the events before and during #COP16, including, the #Ibero-AmericanDiverseEconomiesMeeting, #ECOOVIDA and other side events where RIPESS delegations from 4 continents will participate in #Bogotá […]

ASSEFA celebrates the lives of 4 inspirational people in India with a series of lectures and workshops

ASSEFA, member of the Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) and thus RIPESS, is a Gandhian Organization working in Tamil Nadu that started with the blessings of […]

ECOOVIDA 2024, le rencontre international des Économies pour la Vie sera à Cali, 22-26 octobre

Ecoovida, la rencontre des économies pour la vie, organisée par le gouvernement colombien et d’autres mouvements et entités tels que RIPESS LAC (qui fait partie […]

Discurso sin cortes de RIPESS en la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo 2024 sobre el trabajo decente y la economía de los cuidados

La Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) 2024 acaba de comenzar y ayer, durante la discusión general sobre la economía del cuidado, el tema principal de este año, Hamish […]

By |4 June 2024|Advocacy SSE, ILO, Intercontinental, News, RIPESS News, UNTFSSE, Women & SSE|
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