SDGs Agenda 2030

SDGs Agenda 2030

RIPESS calls for the need to include SSE in international strategies for the realisation of the SGDs in the  2020 HLPF

Text of the intervention made at the French Side-Event at the High Level Political Forum – HLPF, July 2020.  The intervention was in French. Here is translation to English.

Why the […]

By |19 December 2020|Intercontinental, News, News on home page, SDGs Agenda 2030|

Promotion of SSE for a sustainable post-COVID19 recovery

RIPESS and the Catalan Cooperation Agency (ACCD) initiate a collaboration for the promotion of the ESS as a key strategy in sustainable development in a post-Covid19 context.

The project, funded […]

ASEC Conference 2019 – Transformative economy: Revitalising Rural economy through SSE, November 11th – 14th, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

Annual conference of ASEC – RIPESS Asia to discuss the role of transformative economy in the revitalisation of rural economy through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The first […]
By |8 November 2019|Asia, Events, SDGs Agenda 2030|

SSE grassroots initiatives are key to ensure the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The contribution of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) – from the local to the global – is key to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is the […]

Side event at HLPF2019: “Addressing inequality & strengthening partnerships”, July 12th – 11am, New York

???? “Addressing inequality & strengthening partnerships:
Lessons from Social Solidarity Economy Initiatives in Asian Countries”

As part of the #‎HLPF2019 in New York, ASEC – RIPESS Asia organizes this side event!!

In […]

By |10 July 2019|Asia, Events, SDGs Agenda 2030|

RIPESS at the International conference launched by UNTFSSE on the role of SSE in the implementation of the SDGs

From June 24th to 26th, RIPESS will be in Geneva (Switzerland) to attend this important international conference where the results and the role of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in […]

Launching of the confluence process towards the Barcelona 2020 WSF of Transformative Economies

The first world meeting to prepare the confluence will take place in Barcelona on 5, 6 and 7 April 2019

Written by Laie Vidiella Hernàndez. Communications WSFTE.

The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies […]

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