

Advocacy experience: Group Network of Solidarity Economy of Peru (GRESP) with a gender focus.

As we commemorate two hundred years of Peruvian independence in 2021, many social organisations have promoted proposals to consider the direction of other economies as a hope for bringing the […]

Trade of agro-ecological production through short circuits.

[pdf-embedder url=”ítica-en-ESS.pdf” title=”Folleto Insidencia política en ESS”]

Solidarity Fairs are one of the strategies that allow for the improvement of rural trade through short circuits:

  • reassessing the importance of family farming in […]
By |31 January 2022|Latin America and the Caribbean, News, News on home page, Thematic|

Advocacy for public policies on social solidarity economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The neoliberal period openly declared in the 1990s, flows in the face of a reality of globalisation that capitalises on the deterritorialization of productive processes. This has been made possible […]

Towards the strengthening of SSE ecosystems at all levels: Co-construction of public policies for the promotion of SSE, and advocacy strategies and tools from local to global.

On Tuesday 14th of December, RIPESS members and other SSE actors from around the world got together to exchange on advocacy strategies and collaboration with local, national and international policymakers […]

How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context




RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]

RIPESS calls for local governments to establish SSE as the development model in GSEF 2021

RIPESS and its continental SSE network members, in cooperation with the most relevant SSE organisations and International organisations,  were actively involved and fully mobilised for the  Global Social Economy Forum […], the Social and Solidarity website: 10 years already !

As you may know, the website is a database of documentary resources on the SSE. It has the particularity to be in 5 main languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian […]

Social and Solidarity Economy is the way to overcome inequalities through the COVID-19 recovery

RIPESS co-organised the event “Overcoming inequalities through the COVID-19 recovery: proposals from the Social and Solidarity Economy and the Right to the City”,  together with the the Global […]

RIPESS 2021-2023 strategic orientations: Strengthening SSE solutions and Advocating for a more transformative impact

SSE grassroots networks and their members across all continents are playing a key role in overcoming the Covid19 challenges and showing their resilience and capacity to innovate. The challenge we […]

“Women are the face of other economies and I would have an endless list of names to give and share” Interview with Irene Jara

Irene Jara Cadogan is a Chilean activist from the southern region of the country. Irene has been accompanying training processes for 20 years, especially in local and organizational development in […]

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