RIPESS participates together with GPR2C for Diverse and Inclusive Economies on the Right To The City Day
Today, 31 October, Right to the City Day, marks the end of the month of ‘Urban October’ for which RIPESS has collaborated closely with the Global Platform for […]
Ripess Europe deepens its roots in the continent after the general assembly
Country representatives [France (APES, MESS Occitanie, UFISC, Université Paris 8, MES France), Portugal (REDPES), Luxembourg (INEES), Poland (FAIRTRADE POLSKA), Germany (CSX), […]
RIPESS LAC participates in the XVI International Solidarity Economy Encounter in Colombia
By: Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano, co-coordinator of RIPESS LAC 2023- 2025
With the slogan: “Associativity for the construction of territorial peace“, the XVI International […]
Ecosol workshop: SSE, an alternative development model for access to decent work and social protection.
Social protection is the coverage of a range of human rights such as health, education, care, housing or the possibility to prosper. According to the ILO, it is […]
Teranga: solidarity lives in Senegal
The Social Solidarity Economy is also lived in Senegal through an ancestral concept that guides the way people interact with each other. It is an idea that comes […]
Virtual Side Event for the 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals
Organized by Diesis Network, the Intercontinental […]
Success in the last webinar that Ripess and sister organisations propose on future opportunities and challenges for the Social Solidarity Economy.
Almost 200 people came together on 23 February to listen and discuss the future challenges for the different actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Civil society, trade […]
International recognition at the UN of the SSE as the indispensable transformation towards the SDGs
2022 ended with an increase in the debate, interest and momentum of the social and solidarity economy as the alternative to the cause of the inequalities that […]
From Lima to a UN Resolution: the role of RIPESS Intercontinental.
Yvon Poirier has been active in various capacities in RIPESS since 2004. He is a member of several organizations in Quebec and Canada, including the Canadian Community Economic […]
Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering
RIPESS LAC concluded its “Latin American meeting” on 25 November with a presentation by the coordinator, Karin Berlien, on 7 December at the Webinar on Decent Work and […]
The 110th International Labour Conference comes to an end with the SSE in the spotlight
RIPESS Intercontinental attended the 110th International Labour Conference as an observer for the last two weeks, having been the organisation that officially introduced the SSE at the ILO in 2009.
Meet Laure Jongeans, RIPESS Intercontinental Executive Secretary
Meet Laure Jongeans, RIPESS Intercontinental Executive Secretary
In this video, she explains the key role RIPESS Intercontinental plays as the representation of different continents’ networks members which allows them […]
How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context
RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]
COVID-19: Globalising solidarity is the response we need now!
With COVID-19 crisis, humanity is facing one of the most serious and uncertain crises in recent history. RIPESS shares its statement and the need to globalize solidarity. […]
Failure and hope after the Climate Summit in Madrid
The COP25 International Conference took place in Madrid (Spain) from December 2nd to 13th 2019. Jason Nardi, from RIPESS EU and RIPESS Intercontinental Coordinator, was there and participated in the […]
The UNTFSSE strengthens its role in advocating for SSE within the UN system
The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE), of which RIPESS is an active member, held its second technical symposium in Trento, Italy, 21-22 November. The aim was to […]
On the way to the WSFTE 2020: Join the local convergence process now!
It is official! The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (WSFTE) 2020 in Barcelona will take place from the 25th to the 28th of June. Following the Charter of principles […]