RIPESS supports the first anniversary of JuventudESS Activas (Active Youth) in Latin America

We at RIPESS Intercontinental had the honour of participating in the celebration of the first […]
RIPESS at the VI World Forum on Local Economic Development (WFLED)

RIPESS is participating in the VI World Forum on Local Economic Development, […]
RIPESS intervenes in the UCLG retreat advocating for the SSE as a catalyst in the provision of public services.
On the World Day of Social Justice, RIPESS was invited to take part in the retreat organised by UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) in Barcelona. The executive […]
‘Play the change you want to see in the world’: Learning and spreading Transformative Economies through playing
Last November, Athens became the place chosen to launch the final version of ‘The Change’, a board game in which nobody wins and everybody learns about Transformative Economies […]
RIPESS at the COP16 Trade Day on Biodiversity
RIPESS has a leading role in the #TradeDay of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16), which takes place on 26 October 2024 in Cali, Colombia. Our Executive Secretary, […]
RIPESS IN COLOMBIA – Where to find RIPESS LAC and RIPESS Intercontinental during these days?
Everything is ready for the events before and during #COP16, including, the #Ibero-AmericanDiverseEconomiesMeeting, #ECOOVIDA and other side events where RIPESS delegations from 4 continents will participate in #Bogotá […]
Unlocking the full potential of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) towards sustainable development with UNTFSSE and other entities and institutions

RIPESS Intercontinental is taking part in this hybrid event in which the ambassadors of France, Senegal and […]
The African Union adopts its 10-year Economic Plan with the Social Solidarity Economy at its core
The recent adoption of the 10-year Economic Plan by the African Union (AU) marks a milestone in the transformation of the continent, where the Social and Solidarity […]
The urgency of decoding the differences between Social Solidarity Economy and Social Entrepreneurship: on the webinar of 9th July 2024
On 9 July, RIPESS held an online discussion entitled “Decoding the differences between social and solidarity economy (SSE), social entrepreneurship and related initiatives“. In it, the author of […]
ECOOVIDA 2024, le rencontre international des Économies pour la Vie sera à Cali, 22-26 octobre
Ecoovida, la rencontre des économies pour la vie, organisée par le gouvernement colombien et d’autres mouvements et entités tels que RIPESS LAC (qui fait partie […]
RIPESS at the Regional Asia Pacific Nyeleni Consultation Meeting
By_Eri Trinurini Adhi / Asian Solidarity Economic Council
Myself and Diordre Moraes from ASEC were attending the Nyeleni Regional Consultation Meeting held in Colombo […]
The Global Coalition for Social Justice kicks off today at the International Labour Conference and RIPESS is part of it.
Today marks the inauguration of the coalition launched by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) at the International Labour Conference (ILC) with the presence of Ram Chandra Poudel, President […]
The Government of Colombia: present at FORA’ESS thanks to RIPESS
Within the framework of the FORA’ESS Social Solidarity Economy Forum that took place in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on May 29-31; María Susana Muhamad González, Minister of Environment and Sustainable […]
The Cameroonian Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) Network (RESSCAM) is organizing a session on the ESS and entrepreneurial innovation with a gender perspective at FORAESS.

Under the name of “Social Solidarity Economy (SSE), Gender Equality and Promotion of Innovation”, RESSCAM organised this […]
Towards the Nyéléni global food sovereignty forum in 2025 in India
Colour drawing on amate bark-paper by the artist Abraham Mauricio Salazar. Reproduced for informational purposes from the book El ciclo mágico de los días, by Abraham Mauricio Salazar and Antonio Saldívar. CONAFE, Mexico, 1979
UN resolution on Social Solidarity Economy turns one year old
The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) held a webinar on 18 April 2024 to highlight progress and discuss challenges at the international level […]
Feminist leadership in the Social Solidarity Economies: Keys to socio-economic transformation through the creation of new id/entities.
Collaborative document (REAS Euskadi, RIPESS Europa, RIPESS Intercontinental) – Intervention at the side event: Women Leaders in the Social Economy at the