Food sovereignty

Food sovereignty

ECOOVIDA 2024, le rencontre international des Économies pour la Vie sera à Cali, 22-26 octobre

Ecoovida, la rencontre des économies pour la vie, organisée par le gouvernement colombien et d’autres mouvements et entités tels que RIPESS LAC (qui fait partie […]

Towards the Nyéléni global food sovereignty forum in 2025 in India

Colour drawing on amate bark-paper by the artist Abraham Mauricio Salazar. Reproduced for informational purposes from the book El ciclo mágico de los días, by Abraham Mauricio Salazar and Antonio Saldívar. CONAFE, Mexico, 1979

RIPESS LAC at the meeting of the CONTINENTAL ALLIANCE FOR FOOD SOVEREIGNTY and the Civil Society Consultation for the 38th FAO Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean

On the 26th and 27th of February, a representative of RIPESS LAC participated in Santiago de Chile in the “Assembly of the Alliance, the Nyeleni consultation and the […]

Social Solidarity Economy on the heart of the Food Sovereignity and security debate at a global level

The Equity Working Group of the CSIPM, the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism for relations with the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS) […]

Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering

RIPESS LAC concluded its “Latin American meeting” on 25 November with a presentation by the coordinator, Karin Berlien, on 7 December at the Webinar on Decent Work and […]

Gathering in Latin America: SSE, an ever closer reality here and in the world.

On 22, 23 and 24 November, the #encuentroRIPESSLAC22 “La #EconomíaSolidaria y el #BuenVivir” will be held in #Quito, Ecuador, the centre of the world.

This event, organised with […]

How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context




RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]

Pathways to Asia’s Transformative & Solidarity Economy through ASEAN People’s Forum 2020

The neoliberal market economy remains the mainstream economy in Southeast Asia as it is in many parts of the world. It is geared towards maximizing returns to Finance Capital at […]

The European CSA Movement Supports the Common Agriculture and Food Policy for Radical Ecological Change

URGENCI, the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)1 network and its national members from 12 European countries held an advocacy capacity building session in Brussels. This training session took […]

By |16 July 2019|Food sovereignty, Intercontinental, News, News on home page|

Launching of the confluence process towards the Barcelona 2020 WSF of Transformative Economies

The first world meeting to prepare the confluence will take place in Barcelona on 5, 6 and 7 April 2019

Written by Laie Vidiella Hernàndez. Communications WSFTE.

The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies […]

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