Advocacy SSE

Advocacy SSE

RIPESS LAC participates in the XVI International Solidarity Economy Encounter in Colombia

By: Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano, co-coordinator of RIPESS LAC 2023- 2025

With the slogan: “Associativity for the construction of territorial peace“, the XVI International […]

Ecosol workshop: SSE, an alternative development model for access to decent work and social protection.

Social protection is the coverage of a range of human rights such as health, education, care, housing or the possibility to prosper. According to the ILO, it is […]

Success in the last webinar that Ripess and sister organisations propose on future opportunities and challenges for the Social Solidarity Economy. 

Almost 200 people came together on 23 February to listen and discuss the future challenges for the different actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Civil society, trade […]

International recognition at the UN of the SSE as the indispensable transformation towards the SDGs

2022 ended with an increase in the debate, interest and momentum of the social and solidarity economy as the alternative to the cause of the inequalities that […]

Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering

RIPESS LAC concluded its “Latin American meeting” on 25 November with a presentation by the coordinator, Karin Berlien, on 7 December at the Webinar on Decent Work and […]

RAESS, moving forward on the Social Solidarity Economy pathway in Cameroon

Last August, a configuration session was held between RESSCAM (ESS Cameroon), member of the African Network of the Social Solidarity Economy (RAESS) and the Municipal Council of the […]

RIPESS moderated the event on the “Role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the achievement of the SDGs” with the participation of governmental and international civil society organisations.

RIPESS is proud to have accompanied Spain, UNCTAD and ILO in the side event held at the United Nations on 22 July 2022 on the ROLE OF THE […]

By |26 July 2022|Advocacy SSE, Intercontinental, News, News on home page, Sliding News|

The 110th International Labour Conference comes to an end with the SSE in the spotlight

RIPESS Intercontinental attended the 110th International Labour Conference as an observer for the last two weeks, having been the organisation that officially introduced the SSE at the ILO in 2009.


Experiences of political advocacy by the National Coordinating Committee of the Solidarity Economy of Uruguay with a gender perspective.

The Coordinating Committee has taken part in meetings, round tables, seminars, forums, meetings, contributing to the construction from different roles, which has allowed the construction of diagnoses and proposals, producing […]

By |1 February 2022|Advocacy SSE, Latin America and the Caribbean, News, News on home page|
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