RIPESS moderated the event on the “Role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the achievement of the SDGs” with the participation of governmental and international civil society organisations.
RIPESS is proud to have accompanied Spain, UNCTAD and ILO in the side event held at the United Nations on 22 July 2022 on the ROLE OF THE […]
How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context
RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]
RIPESS intercontinental network is moving forward.
We have adopted a new, more robust form of international coordination and strategic plan for 2021-2023. This plan takes into account both the context, as […]
Call for SSE Advocacy tools
From RIPESS, in cooperation with Socioeco we have launched a worldwide call for advocacy tools used by SSE networks and other actors to contribute to the co-construction of SSE public […]
Intercontinental Webinars
RIPESS Intercontinental is launching a series of webinars to show how SSE brings solutions to the global challenges we are facing. This is part of an open process of debate […]
What is Social Solidarity Economy
In recent years, a global SSE movement is emerging, a rapidly growing transformative, citizen-led alternative to market-driven capitalism, aimed at systemic change to build an economy and society that serves […]