

Interview with Helena Almirati: “This law will lead the way if we continue to work day by day so that each chapter doesn’t stand alone”

On December 10, 2019, the Uruguayan House of Representatives approved the Social Solidarity Economy Law in Uruguay, a more than important step in a long road. We spoke with Helena […]

RIPESS contributes to GSEF’s policy dialogues in Europe and Latin America

The GSEF Regional Policy Dialogues are organized to promote the exchange of knowledge between policy-makers and key SSE actors. RIPESS has participated in both dialogues with the objective of contributing […]

Progresses and limitations in solidarity economy’s legal recognition in Latin America

On December 3rd and 4th, RIPESS LAC organized the international seminar “Convergence to develop Public Policies Favorable to the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Social Protection Systems in Latin America […]

Facing repression and rights cuts in the world, the SSE stands in solidarity with the people for a fairer, solidarity and sustainable world

Rojiva, Ecuador, Chile and Catalunya are all places that are witnessing the protests of wider social movements. Global SSE movement has expressed its solidarity with the people who are fighting […]

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