

Pathways to Asia’s Transformative & Solidarity Economy through ASEAN People’s Forum 2020

The neoliberal market economy remains the mainstream economy in Southeast Asia as it is in many parts of the world. It is geared towards maximizing returns to Finance Capital at […]

Convergence of transformative economies in Ecuador: “Weaving an economy for the sustainability of life”

In the global framework of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies, WSFTE, the Meeting of Transformative Economies, organized in Ecuador, is being held from November 5 to December 17, […]

By |20 December 2020|Latin America and the Caribbean, News, News on home page|

RIPESS calls for the need to include SSE in international strategies for the realisation of the SGDs in the  2020 HLPF

Text of the intervention made at the French Side-Event at the High Level Political Forum – HLPF, July 2020.  The intervention was in French. Here is translation to English.

Why the […]

By |19 December 2020|Intercontinental, News, News on home page, SDGs Agenda 2030|

The role of SSE actors in the post-Covid19 economic and social reconstruction: advocacy for an inclusive public policy

Like all other continents, Africa is experiencing the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which continues to cause decimate families, destabilise our health systems and weaken our respective economies.

In reality, […]

Project to strenghten SSE networks in Latin America to increase the capacity for advocacy and co-construction of public policies

Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is an approach to economic activity that places people, the environment and sustainable development above other interests. It is a holistic way of life that […]

Promotion of SSE for a sustainable post-COVID19 recovery

RIPESS and the Catalan Cooperation Agency (ACCD) initiate a collaboration for the promotion of the ESS as a key strategy in sustainable development in a post-Covid19 context.

The project, funded […]

Participation of RIPESS’ members at the WSF of Transformative Economies

RIPESS Intercontinental and its members from different continents will be at the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (WSFTE), organizing different continental and intercontinental virtual activities. The meetings are held […]

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