

Paul Singer has passsed away … but his thinking and the warmth of his friendship live on in our hearts!

Paul Singer was an economist, left-wing activist, social organization adviser and high-level civil servant, but first and foremost he was an inspiring member of the solidary economy movement both in […]

By |2 May 2018|Latin America and the Caribbean, News|

A feminist economy: a prerequisite for solidarity economy. Report on the 3rd RIPESS webinar on Women and SSE

Four feminist speakers, all practitioners and experts in SSE from very different backgrounds shared their reflections with us on the feminist economy from a gender perspective on SSE in this […]

By |28 March 2018|Intercontinental, News, News on home page, Women & SSE|

RIPESS at the WSF2018: Promoting the Convergence of Social and Solidarity Economy Movements

The World Social Forum 2018, will be held from March 13 to 17, 2018, in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, where several members of RIPESS LAC will be attending, as […]

Raising the voice of SSE in Public Policies at the GSEF Policy Dialogues in Asia and Europe

Since 2013 GSEF, as a regional platform for promoting the co-construction of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) public policies, has been hosting annual Policy Dialogue meetings. In 2017, RIPESS […]

By |1 February 2018|Asia, Europe, News, News on home page, Public policies and legislation|
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