RIPESS updates its logo
RIPESS Intercontinental is updating its logo today, and we wanted to share it with you. Over and above the simple change of an image, we wanted to show what we […]
Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments
Written by Juli Hernandez
UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development) and GSEF (Global Social Economy Forum) identified key elements and good practices based on case studies of seven cities, […]
“Women are the face of other economies and I would have an endless list of names to give and share” Interview with Irene Jara
Irene Jara Cadogan is a Chilean activist from the southern region of the country. Irene has been accompanying training processes for 20 years, especially in local and organizational development in […]
“Like many people, I chose to be part of the solution and to participate in networks to make a difference” Interview with Ethel Côte
Expert in social and solidarity economy with a gender perspective, member of the Canadian Network for Community Economic Development, administrator on the first board of directors of RIPESS, referent of […]
Women of the world, protagonists of the SSE – editorial of Judith Hitchman, RIPESS Co-coordinator
International Women’s Day is a relatively recent creation: it only dates back to 1975. The struggle for women’s rights, however is far older. And has been a long and arduous […]
“Women are the source of all development” Interview with Jeanne d’Arc Ballo
Jeanne d’Arc Ballo is a Malian entrepreneur who lives in Bamako. She is the operational coordinator of the network projects “Women of the World: a network for the social, political […]
“The SSE with a gender perspective is an alternative for change for our community, because it is centered on the defense of life” Interview with Graciela Quintero
Interview with Graciela Quintero Medina, a Colombian activist, member of the Mesa Hunzaua, a collective that brings together some 20 local associations in Bogota.
How was your vocation to help others […]
Interview with Josephine Olive Parilla, a leder-preneur for SSE
Josephine Olive Parilla, herself a micro-entrepreneur, is one of the founders of PATAMABA WISE, a community-based social enterprise found in the lake town of Angono, Rizal, east of Metro Manila. […]
“We have to be careful not to go backwards, to remember that we are still here” Interview with Isa Alvarez
Isa Alvarez is an agro-ecologist and researcher living in Vitoria (Spain). She originally comes from the academic world, but has been active for 15 years in different activist organizations working […]
“Women’s cooperatives are a privileged place of expression and empowerment” Interview with Sabine Martel
Interview with Sabine Martel, gender equality consultant for SSE associations and companies in PACA region (France), member of Osez le Féminisme 84 and expert on women’s cooperatives.
Hello Sabine, how was your […]
SSE as an alternative model of development according to the UN
The Secretary General of the United Nations includes the SSE as an alternative model of development in his report to the Commission for Social Development.
Pathways to Asia’s Transformative & Solidarity Economy through ASEAN People’s Forum 2020
The neoliberal market economy remains the mainstream economy in Southeast Asia as it is in many parts of the world. It is geared towards maximizing returns to Finance Capital at […]
Convergence of transformative economies in Ecuador: “Weaving an economy for the sustainability of life”
In the global framework of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies, WSFTE, the Meeting of Transformative Economies, organized in Ecuador, is being held from November 5 to December 17, […]
SSE as the most efficient solution to the Covid-19 crisis
The COVID-19 Pandemic is a reality for all countries of the world in all its aspects. Africa, our continent, with more than 1.3 billion people, has been affected far later […]
SSE Academy: a digital community exchanges on SSE case studies in Asia
As the hype of online meetings have increased since March 2020, ASEC initiated the SSE Online Academy which both delivers lectures from SSE academics and showcases best practices of SSE […]
RIPESS calls for the need to include SSE in international strategies for the realisation of the SGDs in the 2020 HLPF
Text of the intervention made at the French Side-Event at the High Level Political Forum – HLPF, July 2020. The intervention was in French. Here is translation to English.
Why the […]
Strenghtening of SSE networks for realisation of SDGs in a post-Covid19 context
RIPESS and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) organised a webinar on the 17th November that brought together participants from more than 30 countries to share about the role […]