Asia – ASEC

Asia – ASEC

Asia – ASEC2023-11-02T11:06:16+01:00
  • Asia Ripess

Who we are

The Asian Solidarity Economy Council is the Asian hub for enhancing the responsibilities of stakeholders in co-creating a compassionate, solidarity economy. It brings together 18 national and continental networks in 21 countries of Asia.

Member countries
Member organizations
Created in

ASEC Ripess

Phillipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Hongkong SAR – China, Japan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka.

• Dew Crafts/ Bangladesh
• ASSEFA/ India
• Parinaama/ India
• NAFAN/ Nepal
• Fair Trade/ Nepal
• HOMENet/ Thailand
• HOMENet/ Philippines
• HOMENet/ Cambodia
• ASKA/ Philippines
• PAKISAMA/ Philippines
• Pacific Asia Resource Center/ Japan
• Hong Kong Baptist University/ Hong Kong
• University of Phillpines/ Philippines
• Yayasan Bina Swadaya/ Indonesia
• OA Organic Farm/ Malaysia
• APPGM-SDG/ Malaysia
• LEADS/ Sri Lanka
• Sarvodaya/ Sri Lanka

News from Asia—

RIPESS participates together with GPR2C for Diverse and Inclusive Economies on the Right To The City Day 

Today, 31 October, Right to the City Day, marks the end of the month of 'Urban October' for which RIPESS has collaborated closely with the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C). During this month, a social network campaign has been developed to disseminate the collaborative work called 'The Best Urban Economies are Diverse and Inclusive - a [...]

Ecosol workshop: SSE, an alternative development model for access to decent work and social protection.

Social protection is the coverage of a range of human rights such as health, education, care, housing or the possibility to prosper. According to the ILO, it is a right of all human beings that guarantees health care and a minimum income for all. It also provides the means of subsistence in the event of illness, unemployment, injury, pregnancy or [...]

ASEC gives a session in The ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum ACSC/APF 2022

The ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) is an annual forum of civil society organisations from ASEAN Member States held in parallel with the ASEAN Summit. The meeting is organised by civil society in the country that holds the ASEAN Chairmanship. As Cambodia is the Chair of ASEAN for this year, ACSC/APF was hosted in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on [...]

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