Who we are
The Asian Solidarity Economy Council is the Asian hub for enhancing the responsibilities of stakeholders in co-creating a compassionate, solidarity economy. It brings together 18 national and continental networks in 21 countries of Asia.
News from Asia—
Declaration from Asia Pacific Towards Nyeleni 2025
Published in: FoodSovereignity.org: From 9 to 12 June in Sri Lanka, 60 representatives from 12 countries and from more than 20 global and regional social movements and civil society organisations, across Asia and the Pacific - including RIPESS. More information about this meeting here: RIPESS at the Regional Asia Pacific Nyeleni Consultation Meeting – RIPESS- came together to reflect on the progress made [...]
RIPESS at the Regional Asia Pacific Nyeleni Consultation Meeting
By_Eri Trinurini Adhi / Asian Solidarity Economic Council Myself and Diordre Moraes from ASEC were attending the Nyeleni Regional Consultation Meeting held in Colombo Sri Lanka from 10 -13 June 2024. Nyeleni is a global food sovereignty movement, where RIPESS is one of the allies. In the global steering committee, Drazen Simlesa is the representative of RIPESS. The attendance of [...]
Towards the Nyéléni global food sovereignty forum in 2025 in India
Colour drawing on amate bark-paper by the artist Abraham Mauricio Salazar. Reproduced for informational purposes from the book El ciclo mágico de los días, by Abraham Mauricio Salazar and Antonio Saldívar. CONAFE, Mexico, 1979