Africa and Middle East – RAESS

Africa and Middle East – RAESS

Africa and Middle East – RAESS2023-11-13T13:49:05+01:00

Who we are

The African Network for Social and Solidarity Economy (ANSSE) is a non-profitmaking association. It was created in 2010 at the initiative of 25 civil society organisations from various African countries. It brings together 22 country networks that are active in the field of sustainable and inclusive development.

Member countries
Member organizatrions
Created in

RAESS Ripess

1) Algeria, 2) Morocco, 3) Tunisia, 4) Egypt, 5) Ivory Coast, 6) Benin, 7) Burkina Faso, 8) Cameroon, 10) Togo, 11) Senegal, 12) Mali, 13) Niger, 14) Guinea Conakry, 15) Equatorial Guinea, 16) Mauritius, 17) Ethiopia, 18) Democratic Republic of Congo, 19) Cape Verde.

  • Omega Farms in Ethiopia
  • Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Congo (UNTC)
  • Réseau Ivoirien de l’économie Sociale et Solidaire (RIESS)
  • Réseau National de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire du Cameroun (RESSCAM)
  • Réseau Togolais de l’Economie Sociale et solidaire (RTESS)
  • Réseau National pour la Promotion de l’ESS (RENAPESS-BF)
  • Conférence Panafricaine Coopérative (CPC)
  • Groupe Béninois de l’ESS (GBESS)
  • Réseau d’Associations de l’Économie Sociale (RADES)
  • Institut Panafricain pour le développement (IPD)
  • Union Nationale des Mutuelles (UNAM)
  • Union Générale des Coopératives d’Égypte
  • Réseau Guinéen de l’économie Sociale et Solidaire (REGESS)
  • Fédération Nationale des Organisations de Producteurs de Guinée Equatoriale (FENOCGE)
  • Mutuelle Familiale d’Algérie
  • Réseau national d’appui à la promotion de l’économie sociale et solidaire du Mali (RENAPESS)
  • Organisation Nigérienne pour la Promotion de l’Hydraulique et du Développement à la Base (ONPHDB)
  • Groupement Sénégalais de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (GSESS)
  • Réseau D’Economie Sociale et Solidaire d’Ile Maurice (RESSIM)
  • Réseau Marocain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (REMESS)

News from Africa and Middle East—

Podcast (in spanish)_ Interview with Ernestina in Dakar: Afro-Peruvian leader and care worker.

She understands the language of humanity, of the heart, and with smiles, Spanish and speaking with her hands, she got anywhere, even in a small village on the outskirts of Dakar, in Senegal. That is where we met Ernestina. She is attentive, observant, petite, athletic woman. She is calm and confident, she listens before she speaks, with her ears, but [...]

Teranga: solidarity lives in Senegal

The Social Solidarity Economy is also lived in Senegal through an ancestral concept that guides the way people interact with each other. It is an idea that comes from Wolof, one of the 39 languages that the country is home to, used as a lingua franca and coming from the ethnic group with the same name that represents 43% of [...]

World SSE meets in Dakar: GSEF23 kicks off with RIPESS in the forefront

Ripess Europe & Ripess Intercontinental The Global Social Solidarity Economy Forum (GSEF) 2023 is a key international gathering for all stakeholders of the Social Solidarity Economy, which aims to share practices and visions that will help build a more inclusive and egalitarian world through sustainable economic development. This 6th edition will take place in Dakar, Senegal from 1 to 6 [...]

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