Why Food Social Security?
Food Social Security is a promising answer to the growing food insecurity in our societies, as well as to the question of providing a decent living for food producers. It is novel and an important aspect that can help build truly sustainable food systems.
The European experiments have been an attempt to address several issues: the rapid rise in food insecurity and growth of food banks that distribute essentially industrial food; the health impacts of ultra-processed industrial foods, and the support for small-scale local food producers.
What is Food Social Security?
The origins and roots of Food Social Security are based on both the Brazilian and Mexican systems of Bolsa Familial and Oportunidades. Both date from the early 21st century. Although neither were specifically linked to food, most families used the state support to buy food. In the case of Brazil, the conditionalities were based on children being vaccinated and attending school and resulted in a major reduction in poverty and stunting. It was linked to the Fome Zero policy introduced by José Graciano Da Silva, later Director General of the FAO during the first Lula government.
It takes the form of a card similar to a bank card that is credited on a monthly basis with a specified sum by a local collectively administered Food Social Security Fund. The allocated sum has been 150€/month. The conditionalities for spending have been in accredited structures such as co-op shops, weekly organic/agroecological food boxes from identified Community Supported Agriculture organisations or similar. Generally speaking it is available to all, on the principle of non-discrimination.
Where does the money come from?
The funds can be raised in a variety of ways, generally as a tax levied on employers over a certain threshold rather than a tax on employees. The funds are then redistributed to Local Authorities, through the logic of devolution of powers.
Why this webinar?
This webinar will highlight the experiments carried out in 3 Western European countries, France, Switzerland and Belgium, the challenges they have faced and the successes and impacts. It is hoped that this initiative will lead to wider dissemination and support.
Speakers include:
- Florent Sebban, Miramap and Urgenci,
- Jonathan Peuch, FIAN Belgium
- Léa Winter, FIAN Switzerland
- Patricia Andriot, Réseau des Territoires pour l’Économie Solidaire
JOIN HERE 13-14:30h CET 30th JAN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87187556702