Online conversation on Yvon Poirier’s analysis, RIPESS Intercontinental on 9 July 12:30 pm Geneva in ENG-FR-CA

July 9 12:30h Geneva time / Online conversion ENG-FR-CAST

Given the significant space that social entrepreneurship has taken up in recent years and the lack of conceptual clarity and values ​​surrounding the current ESS ecosystem, it was necessary to provide a good basis for understanding the difference between social and solidarity economy and social entrepreneurship.

The author, Yvon Poirier, has been active since 2004 within the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), among other tasks, and since 2014 he has represented RIPESS within the Interagency Task Force of the United Nations on the Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).

This publication is an in-depth analysis born from his experience as a very active member of the social and solidarity economy movement over the last 20 years. It is in recent years that the ESS has developed as an alternative paradigm at the global level, until the current moment where governments around the world recognize it thanks to the United Nations resolution on the ESS, the author of which also contributed to writing the first version.

The attention paid to the ESS can be seen as a beacon of hope. However, it is also important to critically examine what is at the heart of the ESS in relation to other forms of economic organization which are increasingly emerging as “solutions” to the major problems facing populations around the world.

With Sandra Moreno, executive secretary of RIPESS, as moderator; and after a short presentation by Yvon Poirier, who wrote this analysis based on his own experience after 20 years of experiencing these major international changes from the inside; it will be time to listen to the analysis of our distinguished guests:

  • Chantal Line Carpentier (UNTCAD/UNTFSSE).
  • Akkanut Wantanasombut (Chulalongkorn University).
  • Mansour Omeira, (UNTFSSE/ International Labor Organization)
  • Leandro Morais (UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil).

Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available.

Please register here: Webinar Registration – Zoom

➡ You can read the full publication (in English only) here: Decoding the differences between social and solidarity economy (SSE), social entrepreneurship, and related initiatives. (

➡ You can watch an interview of former RIPESS intercontinental coordinator, Shigeru Tanaka, with Yvon Poirier on the publication here (in English): Decoding the difference between SSE and other alternatives (