In the global framework of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies, WSFTE, the Meeting of Transformative Economies, organized in Ecuador, is being held from November 5 to December 17, 2020, under the theme: “Weaving an economy for the sustainability of life”.
The series of seven virtual events constitutes a process of articulation of SSE actors, promoted by the Social and Solidarity Economy Working Group of the Central University of Ecuador, and the research project: “Historical conceptual reconstruction and systematization of experiences of Community Economy and Solidarity Economy in Ecuador”. It is sponsored by the ARES-AI Programme.
Different actors with experience in the promotion of other forms of economy are involved with this proposal, such as the Social and Solidarity Economy Movement of Ecuador (MESSE), the Maquita Foundation, the Intercontinental Network of Social and Solidarity Economy, RIPESS LAC and the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies FSMET, among others. They have been generating an important space for learning and exchanging experiences and practices of an economy centered on people, their families and the community, rather than on capital and extractive industries and also promoting the principles and values of the SSE in their territories through fairs, exchanges, barter, “mingas”, self-management and food sovereignty, in times of the pandemic.
The following topics are being dealt with on the virtual platform: the current state of the Solidarity Economy in Ecuador, experiences and tools for the feminist transformation of the economy, the state of food sovereignty and agro-ecological systems, the role of ethical and solidarity finance in economic transformation, solidarity consumption and its role in social transformation, the transformative role of academia in research, support and systematization of experiences in solidarity economy.
The organizing team aims to promote strategic alliances, to follow up on this process of political, academic and social reflection and to identify viable alternatives for economic transformation in scenarios of health, climate and food crises and has announced that the results will be systematized and published.
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